The construction of a 1.44 MW installation of methanation of post-process products in Murowana Goślina We are very proud to inform that IMA Polska S.A. concluded a contract with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for co-financing a project titled “The Construction of a 1.44 MW Installation of Methanation of Post-process Products in Murowana Goślina”. The project is being realised as a part of Measure 1.6 The Promotion of Using High-efficiency Heat and Electricity Co-generation on the Basis of Need for Useful Heat, Sub-measure 1.6.1. Sources of High-efficiency Co-generation, Priority Axis I Reduction of Emissions in Economy of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme 2014 -2020. The objective of the program, consisting in the construction of an installation for methanation of distillery post-process products is the generation of electricity and heat by means of high-efficiency co-generation, from renewable sources of energy, such as the stillage.
The installation will be producing electric energy and thermal energy by means of co-generation. The installed power of the planned biogas plant is 1.44 MW of electricity and 1.73 MW of heat.
The project’s value: PLN 14,760,000.00
We are very proud to inform that IMA Polska S.A. is conducting a project, in the form of a loan from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, titled “The Construction of a 0.48 MW Installation of Methanation of Post-process Products in Murowana Goślina”. The subject of the project is the construction of an agricultural biogas plant in Murowana Goślina, in the premises of the existing alcohol production plaint, in the region of Wielkopolska, Poznań district, Murowana Goślina commune. The goal of the project is the construction of an installation for methanation of distillery post-process products, namely the stillage (the wash after stillage decantation), now partly used for animal fodder, with some of the liquid fraction evacuated as waste. The plant’s annual production of stillage is around 175,200 tons. The anaerobic fermentation of the stillage produces agricultural biogas, which is later burned in the co-generating unit that simultaneously produces power and heat.
Project’s value: PLN 6,240,700.00
Loan from NFOŚIGW: 4,661,025.00 PLN
We are very proud to inform that on 30.09.2018 IMA Polska S.A. completed a project titled “Research and Development Works on Managing Agricultural and Food Production Waste”, which was the subject of a co-financing contract concluded with the National Centre for Research and Development.
The project was divided into two stages:
• industrial studies,
• development works.
The project’s main objective was to develop an innovative technology that would help solve the problem of managing waste in an agricultural and food processing plant. The technology consists in converting waste into biogas in the fermentation process.
The total cost of the project: PLN 6,053,015.99
Project co-financing from EU funds, mechanism for reporting potential irregularities in POIiŚ
We would like to inform you that IMA Polska S. A. has received funding from the European Union under the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis I - Reducing the emission intensity of the economy, for the following projects:
• "Construction of an installation for methanation of processing residues with a capacity of 1.44 MW in Murowana Goślina" - under measure 1.6 "Promoting the use of high-efficiency cogeneration of heat and electricity based on the demand for useful heat"
On August 24, 2017, at the headquarters of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw, contracts for co-financing the above-mentioned projects no. POIS.01.06.01-00-0043/16 were signed.
At the same time, in connection with the implementation of projects, we would like to inform you that the Managing Authority of POIiŚ has implemented a mechanism enabling the reporting of potential irregularities or abuses in the use of EU funds under the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020.
Any irregularities can be reported via the e-mail address: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.
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